Shopify Customer Support Templates: Angry, Happy and More

Communicating with customers on online channels plays a key role in the Shopify marketplace. But sometimes, the customer support team may encounter angry customers, which demands an organized and in-time approach. 

This is where the pre-made customer support templates come in handy. They will save the agents a lot of time in solving customer’s issues.

In this article, we are going to provide online merchants with well-designed customer support templates. These templates show how to handle different situations and make sure your customers feel happy walking away.

Customer Support Templates 101: Handling Angry, Happy, and More Scenarios

Communicating with customers on online channels plays a key role in the Shopify marketplace. But sometimes, the customer support team may encounter angry customers or assist those with confusion, which demands an organized and timely approach. This is where pre-made customer support templates come in handy as they will save the agents a lot of time in solving customers’ issues.

In this article, we are going to provide online merchants with well-designed customer support templates on how to handle different situations and make sure your customers feel happy walking away.

Table of Contents

What Makes a Good Customer Support Template?

Before diving into our ready-prepared templates, it is essential to understand all the basics of what makes a good customer support template. Based on these suggested criteria, online merchants can also customize new templates that align with their business.


A good customer support template must ensure that the customers feel like they are being genuinely cared for. To demonstrate empathy, the support agents must understand their emotions and concerns. On acknowledging these feelings, agents can now create a supportive environment for their customers. 

Listen with Empathy

How to leverage empathy in your customer support templates? Let’s take a brief look at these actionable tips:

Use the customer’s name

Imagine meeting someone for the first time and they remember your name right away. It always feels more welcome and warmer when you address customers by their name. Remembering a customer’s name makes them feel valued. Using names personalizes conversations and builds trust, creating a positive connection between customers and your brand.

Be conscious of the conversation history

Reviewing past conversations with customers helps support agents avoid misunderstandings. It also ensures customers don’t have to repeat their problems, which can frustrate them. Plus, knowing previous interactions makes it easier for merchants to spot patterns in customer behavior.

Understand customer persona

When talking with customers, support agents should keep in mind the details about their characteristics, preferences, etc. But what if you are providing support to this customer to solve an inquiry, then you have to switch shifts to another agent? Will he or she be able to understand the customer as well as you? 

Luckily, we have come up with a simple yet powerful solution for this situation: Add note. This small feature allows the customer support team to easily collaborate without any disruption. 

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A clear and concise tone of voice is very important for customer support templates. It helps avoid confusion and misinterpretation. When both sides understand each other, problems can be solved more smoothly and quickly. 


Furthermore, maintaining a professional manner will reflect the brand’s reputation and make customers trust you more. Of course, merchants need to remain consistent between templates, so that when customers remember you, they think about reliability and professionalism.


A customer template that can help support agents address a high volume of tickets within short periods is an efficient one. This can help improve both customer retention rate and team productivity for your business.


To ensure this criterion, predefined templates should cover the most basic information and a few different outlines of steps on how to solve the issues. And don’t forget to anticipate follow-up questions that may come up after you send the response to the customer. 

Seems like there is a lot to cover, right? Worry not, we will reveal these templates in the next section right now! 

Creating Support Templates Step by Step

Angry Customers

Angry customers with frustrated complaints are definitely the least thing we want when selling online. But as customer support agents, being able to assist these customers means that you can handle almost any other case!

Plus, it’s no longer difficult when interacting with angry customers because we will provide you with this piece of sample.

Good morning [Customer’s name]

This is [Your name] from [Your company name]. I understand that you are having annoying trouble and I would like to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by [the issue]. Our team is committed to delivering a satisfactory resolution within a short time. 

I will keep you updated on any progress. In the meantime, this article [resource link] may help clarify some aspects of the problem.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and we appreciate your patience and understanding.


[Your name]

Make sure your tone remains apologetic and understanding. What’s more important is to show them your team is working actively and diligently to identify the root cause and deliver the final solution. 

Happy Customers

Like interactions with angry customers, a template for each happy customer is also essential to any Shopify business. With this template, merchants can save time and be able to encourage further engagement, such as signing up for newsletters, joining in loyalty programs, etc. 

Let’s take a look at the sample: 

Hi [Customer’s name],

I am so glad to hear that you like our product. As a valued customer, your opinion really matters to us. We’d be incredibly grateful if you could spare a few minutes to leave a review on our website!

Besides, here is the special voucher (gift/ redeem code/ etc.) we would like to give you when introducing us to your friends or family members. 

[insert picture here] 

Thank you once again for choosing [Your company name]. We look forward to serving you and your loved ones in the future!

With love, 

[Your name]

Confused Customers

While shopping online, customers often face minor issues like clothes size, order tracking, or wrong products. This pre-designed template helps support agents clear up confusion and guide customers to resolve these issues effectively.

Now, let’s take an example of a case where the customer is confused about his product order tracking and how to check it. 

Hi [Customer’s name],

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the tracking of your recent order. I understand your confusion and would be happy to assist you clarify it. Here are the suggested steps to solve the issue:

  • Step 1: Please log in to your account on our website
  • Step 2: Navigate to the Order History section
  • Step 3: Locate the specific order and click on the tracking number
    [Insert picture if you have]

By following these steps, you can view the current status and location of your package. If you encounter any further issues, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist!

With love,

[Your name]

Technical Issues

There are various reasons why customers may encounter technical issues in your online store. Maybe the customer’s device or browser is not compatible with your website. It can lead to display errors or difficulties in navigating the site. Or it is due to poor internet connectivity that affects the online shopping experience.

Whatever the reason is, support agents must help the customers identify and address the issue promptly. Here’s how a template for technical issues looks like:

Good morning [Your customer’s name],

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this error must have caused. It appears that this problem resulted from [the source of the technical issue] and our team is working diligently to fix it as soon as possible. 

The issue is estimated to be resolved by [expected date and time] and I will let you know when it is finished. 

Once again, I am truly sorry for the frustration you have experienced, and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve it. Please feel free to contact me directly if you need any assistance. 


[Your name]

Refund Requests

When running an online business, it’s unavoidable that customers may not feel happy with your products. In this case, they will be likely to ask for a product exchange or a refund. There are various reasons for this situation. But what’s more important is how you respond to those requests with grace.

Try out this template to handle refund requests from customers:

Hi [Customer’s Name],

Thank you for reaching out for a refund request re on your purchase of [name of product/ service].

I’m sorry to hear that our product didn’t meet your requirements. I completely understand your decision and apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused.

Because your request falls under our refund policy [briefly state refund policy], we will gladly honor your decision. We have issued a refund to your [original payment method]. It may take up to [number of business days] to see the amount credited to your account.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I’d be happy to assist you!

Thank you for your time and for giving us a try.


[Your name]

Bonus Tips for a Better Support Template

Quick Response

First, a quick response time shows customers that support agents are always available to help them solve their issues. This can prevent those issues from escalating into bigger problems. 

Besides, timely support also leads to a higher customer satisfaction rate and repeat purchases. That’s why we propose these templates to help you save time and focus on other important tasks.

Start with an Apology if it Causes Inconvenience

Make sure to apologize for the inconvenience first. By saying sorry, support agents show they understand the customer’s feelings, even if they are negative like frustration or disappointment. This helps to calm the situation and makes it easier to have a positive conversation later.

Some common phrases to use to express empathy through apology:

  • I am genuinely sorry for any inconvenience caused by…
  • I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
  • I regret any inconvenience this situation has caused.
  • I am sorry for any trouble or inconvenience this has caused you.
  • I want to express my regret for any inconvenience you’ve encountered
  • I apologize for any disruption or inconvenience that may have arisen.

Use Positive Language

Positive language helps create a friendly atmosphere for your customers. Make sure to add positive language when interacting with them to make them feel at ease. 

Use positive language

We recommend using these phrases below for a better customer support template:

  • I am not sure → I will find out
  • I don’t know → I’ll find out the answer
  • I don’t understand → Could you please provide more information?
  • I can’t promise anything → I’ll do my best to meet your expectations
  • That’s not my responsibility → I’ll ensure it gets resolved for you
  • That’s not what I meant → Let me clarify my point
  • You must → Would you mind

Feel free to mix and match to create a unique template for your business!

Final Thought

There are a lot of things to cover once you start building your business and setting up a customer support operation. We hope that these templates will help you save more time and streamline your process.

If things get too complicated, we highly recommend using a customer support app to improve team productivity. Try MooseDesk – a free all-in-one solution for customer support! All features are available for free now!

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Topic: Customer Service (Support), Shopify Knowledge,