This article will help you understand how to write, edit and publish an FAQ articles in MooseDesk
MooseDesk Article is a feature created to make you easily compose answers for frequently asked questions.
For example: an article with topic “Retun Policy”
After finishing writing the article, you can publish it and they will be automatically added into your chosen FAQ template.
How to create and publish an article in MooseDesk? #
- Step 1: Click on FAQ builder in MooseDesk navigation > Hit “Add new” > Choose “Add new article”
- Step 2: Start writing your article
- Step 3: Choose to either select a category for your article or not. Articles without categories will be automatically sort into “Uncategorized” category
- Step 4: Click on “Save” > “Save as draft” if you want to save the article but not yet publish it, or “Save” > “Publish” if you want to save and publish it as well
How to edit an article in MooseDesk? #
- Step 1: Click on FAQ builder in MooseDesk navigation > Select “List view”
- Step 2: Click on the article you want to edit. You can also use the search function to find the article easier
- Step 3: Edit your article as you like
- Step 4: Click on “Save” > “Save as draft” if you want to save the article but not yet publish it, or “Save” > “Publish” if you want to save and publish it as well
Remember to choose either Save as draft or Publish before redirecting to other pages, or else the newest version will not be saved
You can also duplicate an article by clicking onto the in the Action column (on the right-hand side) and choose “Duplicate”
How to publish/unpublish an article in MooseDesk? #
There are 02 ways to publish/unpublish an article in MooseDesk.
Method 1:
- Step 1: Click on FAQ builder > Select “List view”
- Step 2: Click on the article you want to publish/unpublish. You can also use the search function (hinh nut search) to find the article easier
- Step 3: Click on “Save” > “Save as draft” if you want to unpublish the article, or “Save” > “Publish” if you want to publish it.
Method 2:
- Step 1: Click on FAQ builder > Select “List view”
- Step 2: Quick select the article you want to publish/unpublish by ticking its box. You can choose multiple articles as well
- Step 3: Click on “Actions” > Choose “Publish/Unpublish selected articles“
How to delete an article in MooseDesk? #
There are 02 ways to publish/unpublish an article in MooseDesk.
Method 1: Delete a single article
- Step 1: Click on FAQ builder > Select “List view”
- Step 2: Find the article you want to delete > Click in the Action column (on the right-hand side)
- Step 3: Click on “Delete”
Method 2: Delete multiple articles
- Step 2: Quick select all the articles you want to delete by ticking their boxes (on the far left-hand side of the article table)
- Step 1: Click on FAQ builder > Select “List view”
- Step 3: Click on “Actions” > Choose “Delete selected articles“
Note that: once you delete an article, it cannot be recovered
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